Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Wide Choice Of Indoor Plants

When it comes to choosing indoor plants there is no dearth of the variety you can select from. We will list some of the plants that can liven up your indoors and are easy to maintain.

It will pay, however, to keep in mind that any type of plant needs sunlight and will sooner or later begin to tilt toward the source of light. This will make them grow at an awkward angle and so you will need to rotate the direction so that the plant will grow straight up.

Some of the popular indoor plants include :

African Violets: These small potted plants are easy to grow and adapt well to the indoors. These plants blossom for about three weeks, however they need a lot of sunshine, so keep them on a windowsill.

However, avoid the heat of the sun or they will wither. These plants also need special fertilizer made especially for them. All green house stores keep a supply of it.

Begonias: You will find three kinds of Begonias; Tuberous, Perennial and Semperflorens. The most common of the Begonias are the Semperflorens and come in ever blooming and wax finishes.

Begonias are available in red, pink, yellow and white varieties and all have a very attractive yellow center.

Ivy: This variety of indoor climber makes for a very attractive indoor plant. Though this plant can survive for quite some time in a dark cornet of a room it will soon begin to demand its share of sunlight.

So if you plan to have this plant among your collectionb it is best to choose a place near a source of sunlight. Remember to add enough water to your ivy to make the water drip out of the bottom of the pot. Too little water will stunt the plant.

Some of the other popular plants are Cactus, Coleus, Amaryllis, Geraniums, Paper Whites, Poinsettia and a variety of rubber plants.

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